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Good Omens review – Sheen and Tennant fight the devil with dill sauce

The two leads shine as an angel and a demon facing down the apocalypse. But this adaptation of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s novel goes to hell when they’re not around

In my heart I believe that Michael Sheen will never be better than he was as Liz Lemon’s “settling soulmate”, Wesley Snipes, in 30 Rock; a character who deserves to be lauded down the ages for the indescribable awfulness he created around a handful of zingers and a terrifying look of bright-eyed certainty.

In the new Amazon miniseries Good Omens, as the soft, fluttery angel Aziraphale, he pulls off the feat of making goodness watchable and fun. Both Sheen and (a miraculously non-manic, given the potential of his part) David Tennant as the demon Crowley are wonderful in the six-part adaptation by Neil Gaiman of the much-loved fantasy novel he co-wrote with Terry Pratchett in 1990. Their chemistry is a joy, even if the banter they are given is often stale or overegged. (Crowley’s opening line is an uninventive riff on the idiocy of God putting a tree of fruit and “a big Do Not Touch” sign on it in the Garden of Eden and expecting things not to go wrong.)

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