This multilayered murder mystery set on a nuclear submarine takes the usual police procedural beats and gives them a new lease of life
There are three things we, as a nation, love and adore: bank holiday weekends, multilayered murder mysteries being solved by someone who keeps having flashbacks to that one time they had trauma, and Suranne Jones being class. The BBC knows this, which is why it’s putting out the first two episodes of Vigil (Sunday 29 and Monday 30 August, 9pm, BBC One) – a multilayered murder mystery featuring Suranne Jones being class – on this, the woozy long weekend that heralds the end of summer. Put the grill away and apply aloe to that welt of sunburn: Suranne is here, and – what’s that? Drop to knees, inspect ground, shine torch on ill-lit corner. Yep, just as I thought: that’s blood. Captain, this just became a murder investigation.
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