Fresh from the record-breaking Line of Duty, Mercurio has created a conspiracy thriller set in the 24th-century, with co-writer Prasanna Puwanarajah and illustrator Coke Navarro
Jed Mercurio has mastered the art, and science, of keeping audiences deeply invested in his intricate, web-like plots. A record-breaking 12 million viewers simultaneously tuned into the final episode of his police corruption drama, Line of Duty, in May, and for those now bereft of his meticulous brand of storytelling, literary relief is at hand. He has teamed up with former colleague Prasanna Puwanarajah, who starred in Mercurio’s 2018 medical drama Critical, to create Sleeper – a conspiracy thriller in the form of a graphic novel series.
Set in the 24th century, and featuring a bionic, deep-space law-enforcement marshal called DS-5, the first instalment has all the ingredients for a ripping sci-fi yarn. There’s mass murder as a space station explodes; a greedy corporation, Texosaturn, that mines clean energy source Titan Green following “carbon wars” on the largest moon of Saturn; and human frailty, as our “biologically enhanced” hero’s ageing tech starts to glitch, and he regains awareness of the person he once was. The action is illustrated by Valencian artist Coke Navarro, a die-hard fan of the shadowy1990s comics Sin City and Hellboy.
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