Four new series revolving around puppets highlight the enduring appeal of the format as Sesame Street enjoys its 51st season on air
This month, junior gourmands are in luck.
Tykes with sophisticated palates will find their interests catered to with the new series Duff’s Happy Fun Bake Time, in which celebrity chef and Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman takes a younger audience through the nuts and bolts of cooking with a mad-scientist spin. As he demonstrates the basics of kid-friendly cuisine, he also breaks down the physical and chemical processes behind baking, sautéing, boiling and other little feats of kitchen magic. The show is motivated by the simple, beautiful idea that if the grown-up business of making dinner can be sufficiently demystified, children will want to be more present in the kitchen and adventurous at the grocery store, building a healthy and curious lifelong relationship to food.
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