The comic writer behind Love, Nina and novels including Reasons to be Cheerful is online to answer your questions now
AliBradfield1 says:
My mother and I discovered your books a year ago, and have since been big fans!
I’m actually writing my own novel and am curious about your process:
Hi Ali. Thanks! 1) Nowadays I type, so it's done, and can be moved about. I often use the 'notes' on my iphone to jot down thoughts and ideas. 2) I start with an idea, usually a great chunk of my own life and then I let it meander and see how it develops. I'm not a great plotter!
ShirouEmiya asks:
What is your favorite kind of humour, either in a literary or visual format?
I love funny books, and the thing I particularly like in film and TV is funny dialogue. So, I guess literary!
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