In the first of a new series of writers recommending hidden gems available to stream, a plea to discover a snappy French crime caper from Roman Gavras
Netflix was supposed to be the great democratizer. The streaming platform’s most ardent fans have argued in its favor as a level playing field, instantaneously providing a global audience of millions to smaller independent films that would otherwise never reach them. Critics of the service’s business model have posited that dropping little-known films into such a vast library with little-to-no marketing or promotion would damn those titles to an obscurity even more severe. Just one of the cases in point for the latter school of thought: The World Is Yours by Romain Gavras, a sly crime comedy that Netflix acquired for the US after a positive premiere at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, then allowed to languish for six months before unceremoniously dumping it into the unending sea of content (it’s available on Amazon Prime in the UK). The release hardly made a blip that December, and in the year-and-change since, its reputation hasn’t grown much.
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