The acclaimed film-maker goes in front of the camera for a new thriller and talks about age, sex and how difficult he finds it to get funding for a new project
Walter, the character played by David Cronenberg in Aaron Shin’s new horror-thriller Disappearance at Clifton Hill, gets an introduction befitting the film-maker’s legendary stature. He emerges from a small-town river where he’s been trawling for sunken treasures in scuba gear, lumbering out of the water like a less intimidating cousin of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. As a local-lore podcaster and avid conspiracy theorist, Walter feels perfectly comfortable with such an air of the weird about him, and audiences familiar with Cronenberg’s extensive work in the stranger corners of cult cinema probably presume that he does, too. But in the moment, as per usual, he was just thinking about his body.
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