Laurie Colwin liberated home cooks with stories and recipes full of wit, warmth, humour and a love of good food
I came to American food writer Laurie Colwin’s book Home Cooking quite late on. She wrote it in 1987, but her I only heard about as recently as five years ago. A group of friends were getting together to cook a dinner, each making a dish from one of her cookbooks. I felt a bit embarrassed: these weren’t for the most part “food friends”, and I thought, “Hold on a second, I’m a cookbook writer and I’ve never heard of her”.
The friend who had arranged the dinner was American, and I think her mother had had Laurie’s books kicking about at home, and in the end she ended up cooking most of the dinner and asked us just to bring salads. So having ordered the books and hurriedly read the introduction to Home Cooking, I decided to go with something very, very simple – a little gem salad with soft herbs and vinaigrette. That’s what Laurie is all about. She celebrates the simple, which, at the time when she was writing – the late 1980s – must have really set her apart from all the other cookery books.
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