Fonda, Keaton, Bergen and Steenburgen can do nothing to rescue this charmless luxury lifestyle offering about discovering EL James’s books
This egregious luxury lifestyle romantic comedy made me put my clenched fists up to my cheeks and squeak with horror, as when I first watched Saw. Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen give performances in animatronic soft-focus as four friends – forever uninhibitedly laughing, gossiping, drinking chilled white wine from giant balloon glasses and not touching the plates of food dotted about. They’re not getting much bedroom action these days, but their life-affirming sensuality is reawakened when the “book club” they have going knuckles down to EL James’s super-saucy S’n’M romp Fifty Shades of Grey – apparently undeterred by how awful the films were.
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